Artificial Intelligence

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AI in Project Management: Pros and cons

Artificial intelligence is going to replace many jobs in the future. Have you heard this claim or myth before. This is a common misunderstanding people have about AI. However, most people are not aware of the difficulties that artificial intelligence is currently encountering, as well as the clear advantages it offers. There are many different job opportunities in many different fields, and project management is one of them. In the future, we think that AI will change project management, even though the changes might not be very obvious. Now, let’s find out how it will affect companies and their project planning. Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Project Management Data Analysis In project management, data analysis is the next step after automation. Artificial intelligence can find connections and patterns in data that humans would rarely notice. AI helps teams examine their past performance, coming up with better plans and predicting any potential problems …

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AI and Darkweb – Risks & Opportunities on large learning models

The dark web consists of websites with hidden IP addresses, and small and big networks that are completely anonymous. Precisely, the dark web is only accessible through the use of encrypted browsers and special software.  Activities on the dark web are risky and untraceable which makes it an attractive proposition for threat actors. It’s the …

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